Assigning Tasks to Employees with Task Limit and Validation

Actors: Admin Employee Description: The admin has the responsibility to assign tasks to employees. Each employee is allowed a maximum of two assigned tasks. The system enforces this limit and provides validation messages. Steps: The admin selects multiple tasks from the available task list. The admin chooses an employee from the list of employees. The admin clicks the "Assign Tasks" button. Flow: The system validates the selection: If the selected employee already has two tasks assigned: Display a message to the admin: "This employee already has two tasks assigned. Please reassign or complete existing tasks before assigning new ones." Display the list of tasks currently assigned to the employee for review. If the selected employee has one task assigned: Display a message to the admin: "This employee already has one task assigned. Please select only one additional task to assign." If the selected employee has no tasks assigned or is a new assignment: Proceed to step 2. The system associates the selected tasks with the chosen employee: If the employee had one task assigned, display the admin's selected tasks alongside the existing task. If the employee had no tasks assigned, display the admin's selected tasks. The system confirms the task assignment and displays a success message to the admin: "Tasks have been successfully assigned to the employee."          
1 answers

This seems to be a rather straightforward User Story. What exactly do you require help on?

