Getting empty after retrieval of associated object

Hi All, I am facing a weird issue. I have two non-persistant entities lets say 'ActionsForParty' and 'PartyActions'. There is an association between these entities and PartyActions is a kind of parent in the relationship. In the screenshot I can see the associated object of PartyActions in the entity ActionsForParty is not empty. But when I retrieve the PartyActions from ActionsForParty entity then I get empty.  Just to give a background. PartyActions is set in a different microflow and commited. Its being attempted to retrieve in another microflow and there its coming as an empty. Hi All, I am facing a weird issue. I have two non-persistant entities lets say 'ActionsForParty' and 'PartyActions'. There is an association between these entities and PartyActions is a kind of parent in the relationship. In the screenshot I can see the associated object of PartyActions in the entity ActionsForParty is not empty. But when I retrieve the PartyActions from ActionsForParty entity then I get empty.  Just to give a background. PartyActions is set in a different microflow and commited. Its being attempted to retrieve in another microflow and there its coming as an empty. You can see below given screenshot where associated object is having reference to object ID ending with  933 and after retrieval of same in object is coming as empty in PartyActions.
2 answers

Hello Rahul, I am not sure why you would set those entities as non-persistable and not commit the objects to the database, you might want to try setting the entities as persistable instead.


Are the changes running in different processes or browsers? Non persistent entities are stored in runtime memory so changes may not be updated if they are already open in another process.

One thing to try would be to swap to persistent entities and see if the problem remains.
