While debbuging a Nanoflow, the debugger wont go into subMICROflows

TL;DR: We've  created a Nanoflow that makes use of a sub-microflow. However when we debug the nanoflow, the debugger won't step into the sub-microflow. It just skips it. Is this expected behaviour?   Longer version: We have a list with projects in a Data Grid, right next to it is a dataview that listens to the mentioned datagrid. In this dataview is another dataview with a Nanoflow as its datasource, because we need to do some calculations and alterations to the data. We're using a Nanoflow, because that way we can make use of the [Show Progress] functionality. In this nanoflow are also a couple of sub-microflows. However, when we want to debug the nanoflow it doesn't seem to step into the sub-microflows. This is of course a problem when you want to debug. In my memory I used to do this before without any problems.
3 answers

I’ve noticed that in order to do this, you have to place a breakpoint in the submicroflow as well.


Is this consistent behaviour?

- Try stopping and restarting the app, and disabling/enabling breakpoints.

- Check security for the submicroflows.

- Have you tried on a different nanoflow? If it also gives you the same result it might be an issue with the Mendix version, if it works on others it might be an issue with an action in that nanoflow.


Check the security for the submicroflows
