Microflow Implementation for On Change of Date-Range Dropdown

Hi All,   I need to enable Start Date and End Date according to the Values selected from Date Range dropdown. For Eg: If I select last month from Date Range dropdown; then the Start Date and End Date should be enable accordingly only for last months date to be selectable and rest all dates will be disabled. If I select last quarter from Date Range dropdown;  then the Start Date and End Date should be enable accordingly only for last 3 months date to be selectable and rest all dates will be disabled.   Please guide me on implementation of this.   Thanks for your help!
1 answers

Hi there,


You could call a microflow that changes the range based on the enumeration used for the dropdown:



For the month option, for example, I've stored the start and end date ranges by calculating the first and last day of the last month:


For the "Last Quarter" option, it was more difficult to obtain the exact quarter, so for now I've kept it to the last 3 months:


You can then use these two values to determine a range for your date picker: image.png


Hope this helps,

