Compare two entities content and build the content of a third entity

Hello !   Suppose that I have three entities, two have already data that came from two excel files (they have the same columns content except one column : Category), and the third entity is empty and it has the same attributes as the two + a new added attribute "check". Please what are the activities that I should put in a microflow to :  1- compare Category columns of both first two entities 2- then, fill in the third entity with the same data as the two entities + the column that refers to the "check" attribute based on the comparison of the category columns of the two first entities following this logic : (if attribute category of entity1 = attribute category of entity2 then ignore the line , if they're different put 0)
2 answers

Hi there, 


Based on my understanding, this is the microflow I've created based on your scenario:


I've used a nested loop to iterate through all Entity 1 and Entity 2 objects and compare their categories (I'm assuming all other attributes from Entity 1 will have to equal Entity 2 when wanting to make Entity 3) :


An Entity 3 object is created if the categories are different, which is then added to the Entity 3 list. This list is then committed after the loops are completed



Hope this helps,



Add to list activity :

