Displaying the total count of data in the data grid 2

I need to show the total count of data present in the data grid 2 on either top or bottom of data grid. I don't need any button to be clicked and then the count to be showed , the count be shown deliberately on every grids top or bottom. Please provide me the step by step process of creating this functionality. if possible with the screenshots provided
1 answers

If the total count don't need to be displayed in the row cell, You can achieve your goal easily by using microflow!

First, Make a Non-persistable Entity that store the total count.


Second, Place a Data View widget and set its Data source as Microflow or Nanoflow. 

In my example, I chose Microflow.



Third, Set the Data grid 2's Data source as Microflow or Nanoflow and pass the Count object as parameter, use Aggregate function, update the Count object's count attributes, and display it in dataview



Then, walla! The total count of row will be shown in text box when page is opened.


If you need to update when new row is added, just use "refresh in client"
