download pdf files

hi team, in the below screenshot i make a flow which will generate the pdf and download the pdfs into zip file . first i retrieve list of  all the ids for which checkboxes are selected . then i iterate into this list and inside the loop i retreive the list of the first id like this (Patient_ID=$IteratorPatientListSelectedPatients/PatientListPatientId)  and the generate the pdf form the template and i add this gereated pdf into the new list  . And outside the loop i just download into the zip format .   now i have issue - when i select the first two checkboxes and try to download the zip file then my zip file contains the two pdf (which is correct) but both the files are same . i want two seperate files inside my zip for both the checkboxes .   plz tell me in brief how i can acheive it .   Thanks in advance !!!    
1 answers

Check the files you are adding to the list that gets zipped.  I am guessing you are not adding the correct filedoc object to the list.
