I want to see my data that I did put on my Overview pages using a Dashboard (Colum Chart)/microflow

Hi There,   I am trying to get my data visible in an overview page using a Dashboard. BTW i am Dutch so excuse me for my grammar.  This is my Overview page. I want to see al my made Festivals in an Overview, The Chart or something else.    I want to get all the Data of my Festival_Overview page.    This is my Test Data to see the chart but none of the Data Diplays?   Please help me, i am a noobiee in Mendix so keep it as simple as possible haha.   Last photo is my chart settings   This is the Microflow he calls   And this is my Microflow:     What do I need to do to make it work? Please help me :)  
2 answers

Can Somebody Help me?


Hi Quinten Faas,


It seems like, you were mapped the same attribute for X-axis and Y-axis. Can you try to change the Y-axis value with different attributes? 


I hope this helps

