Auto fill and sign up logged in user

Hello, I'm looking to develop a Microflow that enables users to easily sign up for an event. Upon clicking the sign-up (on the detailed activity view page) button, their information should be automatically filled in the event's sign-up form. Users will receive a confirmation message after successfully signing up for the event.
2 answers

image.png This information should be coming from users who have registered on website. Because they are already registered we already have their e-mail, name etc 


Looking at your domain model it looks like the person who wants to sign up for the event is not yet known in the system upon initial registration. If you have not yet stored any information, it is not going to be possible to fetch the details. If you created an account/user record after the first time a person registered to an activity, you can create an association between your saved person data and the activities. You can take a look at this section of the RAD course to see how you would go about doing somethin similar. If you want to know how to create an association to the actual account of the person that logged in, you could take a look here

