How do you set microflow return value to type list?

Hello Everyone,   I'm relatively new to Mendix and I'm having trouble solving this error with my microflow.   Essentially what I'm trying to do is pull the top item from a list on one page, to another list view on a different page. To do this I'm using the microflow in the image. The problem I'm running into is that I'm not sure how to set the return value to a list type as the error message indicates.   Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, and thank you.  
2 answers

After your Retrieve action, add a Create List action to create a new list, then use a Change List action to add the CapacityRating object you originally retrieved to the new list. You can then return this new list at the end of your microflow.


I hope this helps.



You can also filter the top data based on the created date in the the retrieve activity at the range option you can choose the all. down you can able to view the sorting option in which you cansort the value based on the date ascending to descending order. 


This is also a other method to retrieve a latest data in the list view,. 
