Sort sessions based on time

Hi, I have a requirement that I have one user page where I am showing upcoming learning sessions which are going to be conduct. There has two different part to show the sessions. first is on the left side we are showing all the timing cards for ex:- on left side two cards are showing timing between 8 to 9 , in front of those cards I should arrange my learning sessions cards which are going to held on the time between 8 to 9. so my requirement is that how I should arrange my learning sessions in front of only those cards where is the timing is getting matched.  any help would be appreciated! Thanks & regards, Shivani
1 answers

Hi Shivani, 


If I understood your question correctly, you need 2 entities:

- Timeslot

- Learning Session

These 2 entities are connected in a 1 to many relationship. 1 Timeslot contains several Sessions.

Then you can use a gallery to fetch all timeslots. In this widget, show 1 column per row.


Now, inside this widget, you need to add another gallery (or a similar widget), but this time, is to show all learning sessions associated with the current timeslot. 
