Issue with Wildcard Search in TC Connector Module 3.5.0

We have successfully integrated the Teamcenter module (version 3.5.0) into our Mendix app, allowing us to search our Teamcenter application by Item number and name. However, we are encountering a critical issue when attempting wildcard searches using the '*' character.   When we perform a search like "Example 124.56", it successfully returns all matching products within 2 minutes. However, if we attempt a more generic search like "Example", the process never completes. We can observe that it progresses through the JavaApplet provided by Teamcenter     Ultimately it fails and we get an email with the error message: "CRITICAL: Your application's virtual machine ran out of memory and died in the last 5 minutes."   We assume that too much data is being returned from Teamcenter, leading to the user being left with a loading screen and eventually memory issues.   Therefore, we are wondering if we could  Implement a timeout after 3 minutes, preferably in our app, not the TC Connector module or if this is not possible update the TC Connector module Limit the number of records returned during these wildcard searches.   Any insights, recommendations, or guidance on how to address this wildcard search issue with the Teamcenter module in Mendix 9.24.1 would be greatly appreciated.  
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