How to specify user rights like read or write to a user with microflow

Hi All   I have a scenario where admin should be able to give user rights to a user from the output or in the UI irrespective of user rights given in studio pro   Can any one help me how to build this logic using microflows or any solution for this is welcome   thanks in advance
2 answers

Hi there


Have you by any chance already experimented a bit with the Administration module within Mendix? With some tweaks I suspect that it might solve all your administration & user rights problems! 

Here, have a look at the documentation:

Good luck


As Juriaan says, take a look at the Administration module. It should already be in your app.


If you want to do this outside the Administration module take a look in the System module. You can assign roles by setting or removing the appropriate UserRoles associations between User and UserRole objects.


Good luck!
