How to connect files with a microflow

I am new to using Mendix and am currently working on building a web app. However, I am encountering an issue that I am struggling to resolve. The idea is to create projects and display them in a list view. I want to be able to click on a project in the list view and then fill the project with data without having to select the Projectname  each time in the dropdown of a New_Edit form. Additionally, it would be beneficial if, upon selecting the project immediately have access to all relevant data for that specific project.   In the domainmodel i have established all relations but i just dont get how to let it behave as a MySQL database whereby this relation is fixed by the foreign key and primary key linking all data together. I would greatly appreciate to get a simple example project where this linkage is established having a Project with  for instance having an Address file linked to it without selecting the dropdown . Thank you for your assistance.
2 answers

Hi there. May thanks for your quick reply but wat i want is the following. I have a customer and this customer has orders and a address and contactpersons. Now if i want to add a address or conactperson i have to find the customer in the address_new_edit form to link them together. Im looking for a way that i create a new customer, list the customers in a listview and then add any data to this specific customer as it is selected without selecting the customer in the addres_new_edit form. As i have may customers and a lot of data that needs to be kinked to that customer i would like to find a programmable way of doing this. Any suggestion?



Hi Marcel,


You can add an 'On Click' operation to your list view and select 'Show Page' in the dropdown. You will automatically get the entire Customer entity as a page parameter on your new page and then you can use all of that data.


Alternatively, you can also choose the 'Call A Microflow' option and when you create a new microflow from the popup menu, you should be able to see your single Customer entity as a parameter. You can manipulate it however you would like.


Hope this helps!
