Validation: Multiple dropdowns with list view, all dropdowns are required, if I select one, alle validation messages dissappear

We display a listview with dropdowns, all different objects from the same entity, but with specific selectable objects. During validation we loop through the list of these objects and display validation feedback if there is no value selected. So far, so good. The correct feedback is shown on the correct dropdown. However, when we select a value for one of the dropdowns, all the validation feedback on all the dropdowns dissappears. I can imagine this happening, because they're basically the same dropdown. But is er there a way to prevent this from happening? We only want the feedback to dissappear from the dropdown that has changed.
2 answers

The feedback-message is only active for one request. On every change of a dropdown-list always re-validate all the dropdown-lists.


When clicking on the next page button start a microflow/nanoflow. Revalidate all the dropdowns in the listview. If something is not correct: validation feedback and return from the microflow/nanoflow. 

Only if validation is correct go to the next page.
