unable to set conditions

In v10.9 all of a sudden my decisions are acting up and I'm unable to set conditions to true/false. Like you can see in the screenshot, they do appear in the menu. Also when i let mendix generate a decision the t/f trees do show up, but when I try to change them I'm left with empty conditions. I've made a new microflow to test and when I create an int var with value 1 and then create a decision with $Variable = 1 this also happens, this and the fact it is happening in existing decisions makes me think something is wrong with the latest update. Anybody else has this or has a solution?
3 answers


The last option in your menu is 'set condition value to true' and also in my case, it does not work in Mx 10.9.0.

However, 'right click' on the flow (in stead of clicking the assist blue point) worked for me. I was able to select the correct condition value




Yes, that happened to me too. I manage to solve this issue using the properties section on the right. 

common > condition value > true/false


Hi Roy,


The Mendix 10.9 version has an issue with the Decision condition. But you can use Mendix Assist Logic Bot to create a Decision example. After that, you can modify the Decision example flow to your logic you need.

