Retrieving objects in native

In native I have the following setup: - login page - nanoflow with a sign in action, retrieve object action (with xpath based on logged in username), synchronize object action - homepage based on userrole - nanoflow as datasource - nanoflow with a retrieve action that retrieves the previously retrieved object (I assume that this retrieves the local object from cache)   Now this setup does what it should do but... When I try to login as a different user I keep seeing the credentials of the first user that has logged in. When I try to restart the app in 'make it native' sometimes I get an error 'error writing to read only database', but when I restart 'make it native' completere this error does not occur. I've tried adding a clear device action but this raises the error 'unable to delete object because of security reasons'.   In version 10.9 there no longer is an acces rule tab in the entity options, so I can't check access rights. I do think this should be ok since the user has access to all associated pages and flows. Using a delete action instead of clear device did not do anything, though I did not use a synchronize action for that since I only want to delete it locally on native.   Any thoughts? 
1 answers

Eline Bijkerk, acces rules is no longer listed in the entity properties.

I think you are referring to validation rules, else there is something really wrong with Mendix.

