Retrieve in microflow help.

Good Morning,   I am trying to retrieve only time logs for Employees that have been filtered on the data grid 2.   This is what I have done but it is not working. When I put a breakpoint in it just jumps over this retrieve to the next step. Why would that happen?   A previous trial I did the following expression but this still loaded everything. Not the one name I had filtered, which is what I require.   I have put a snippet for domain model incase it helps.     Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks   Jess              
2 answers

Hello Jessica, 


Is it possible that your do an aggregate list action after your retrieve, if so it is because mendix is bundling your retrieve with the aggregate action and only gives you the aggregate result, for testing you can remove  the aggregation list or you can try to use your list later in the process. 


If it is not this maybe can you send a screenshot of your datasource flow? and also recheck your security settings!


Hope this helps!


Good luck!


Hello Jessica, 

What is the activity that you use after the retrieve activity?

If it is an aggregate list activity the debugger will ignore the retrieve and stop on the aggregationj activity
