How do i create a microflow that creates an object & a page

Hello, i am new to mendix and we got a school assignment to create an app in Mendix. For our assignment we have to create an app where you can rent rooms for party's on different locations. I am stuck on creating my microflow to add a new location and create a page for that new location.   In my application i want an add button next to the location title. Once an admin clicks on this button a microflow will start where he first has to fill in the location items, and once he clicks save a page will be created for this new location. I want to be able to choose my own template that i will make in Mendix.   Also, when the admin clicks on a location that already excists, an other microflow will start that allows the admin to edit the information, and the microflow will update the page of that location.   i know i have to create 2 different microflows, but my question is: -how do i create my own template for Mendix? -how do i create the microflow that goes to location_newEdit, saves it, and then creates a page with the new information?   this is how my current pages look like: Location page:   Location_NewEdit:  
2 answers

Hello Tim,


There is already an example for this in the marketplace module administration module that most application have take a look at the following:


It shows you an example on how to do it with respect to your template, you can create a page template 


Which you can give to your page:


Hope this helps 


Good luck


Some additional information to Jelle's answer:

See this documentation section about page layouts.

When creating a page, you will be able to select a template.
