Totals not refreshing on open of page.

Good Afternoon,   I have a microflow to work out the totals of hours for selected objects.   when the page is first opened it does not update - it is on a tab container. When you click onto another tab then go back to  the default tab it then updates. when you go on the filters it then updates. We need it to update when the page is first opened.   What is also weird is when you put a breakpoint on the microflow it then updates as expected when the page is opened.     When dates are put in the totals are updated.   Any clues to get it to update when page is opened? And any reason why it would show correctly when the breakpoint is on?   Thanks so much   Jess    
1 answers

Dear Jessica Parsons,


You need to set refresh on show to yes in tab properties.




Hope my answer helps, reach me out for any queries.
