So basically you need to create a custom login page by doing the following steps :
1. Create a new page -> Choose the mendix default template - Form login (in Forms) & Navigation layout as Atlas_Login
2. Now map this newly created login page under the Authentication section, set the new login page as the Sign-in page
3. Allow Anonymous Users to Register -
3.1 Add a new button and name it as Sign up
3.2 On Sign up button action, Under Events -> OnClick action as Create Object, Entity as Registration object, On click page -> Create a new popup page called Registration_New
3.3 In Registration_New page add password fields and rename the Save button caption to Create my account.
3.4 on Create my account button action call a microflow and name it as ACT_Registration_CreateTeamMember & implement the following logic.
Hope it helps!
Above attached screenshots are my domain model and the microflow logic I am trying for the login page
This is the Loginpage
For new registration and all you can refer administration module.
That module has all the logic of registration and login. You can refer that
mainly for you look into SaveNewAccount Microflow in the administration module it has the logic there.
Hope it helps spoorthi.