How to Compare Associations or Attributes

For a school project, we are creating a medication ordering system. I need to check new orders to compare with the patient's allergy list. I have an entity for new medication order with the attribute of the medication name and another entity MEDALLERGY with attribute of the allergy medication name. I have tried to create a list operation to compare the two, and get the error "the type of the second variable A is not (a specialization of) the type of the second variable B." I also have tried to create a decision point to have a yes/no decision but could not figure out that approach. Any advice?   Thanks :)
2 answers

Dear Brittany Curet,


If you have both MedicationOrder and MEDALLERGY as parameter you can use a decision with $MedicationOrder/Medication Name = $MEDALLERGY/Allergy Medication and set logic for true and false.


If you have only MedicationOrder as parameter you can use retrieve action to retrieve MEDALLERGY from the database using XPath [Allergy Medication = $MedicationOrder/Medication Name] you will get the list of MEDALLERGY and implement your logic with it.


Hope my answer helps, reach me out for any queries.


Dear Brittany Curet,


Since you already have the list of MEDALLERGY objects for a specific person and when you receive a new MEDICATIONORDER, you can easily do a retrieval of the MEDALLERGY object and select range as first form the database using the below XPATH constraint.


[Account_Medallergy = $Person]

[MedicationName = $MedicationOrder/MedicationName]


If the list is empty, then the person doesnot have any allergy to the specific medication. If the list is NOT empty, then allergy exists.


Note - Here person is the account for which MEDICATIONORDER is being made.


Hope this helps.



