Getting error : all database changes executed by this action were rolled back

Hello, I am using mendix 10.6.4. I have got a response (JSON) from rabbit mq and consuming that response in a microflow as a string. From that microflow , I am calling another microflow with JSON response as parameter and in this microflow I am importing the response and creating the objects of the entities. When I am debugging this microflow , I can see the variables correctly, but the objects are not getting committed and when all activity completes and it return back to the microflow from where I have called another microflow, I am getting error like "all database changes executed by this action were rolled back  ".  If on a button click I am directly calling the microflow where I am creating objects, it is working fine. Please let me know why I am getting this error and not getting the object committed. Please help me out, its urgent. Thanks,
2 answers

can you add a error handler and a breakpoint and see what's happening ? 


Hi Trisla,


Can you add error handling like described here: You can choose for a custom error handling without rollback.


Or is the issue related to something else?


Greetings, Peter


