Are you sure the flow is getting into error handler flow ?? Please add breakpoint and check if the flow is going into error flow.
Also, its not a good practise to add a show message inside a loop.. you might have to consolidate all the errors and show as a single message instead.
Are you sure the error path is being is being followed? Can you add a breakpoint on the Import Mapping action and then single step (step into) the microflow to see if the show message / show page action is actually being called.
Good luck!
Where is your microflow being called from? If it's from a REST or SOAP service, or a scheduled event, then it won't be attached to the frontend client and so won't be able to show a page or message.
what is the message of the show message activity?
If you're using the object $latestError this is not in the scope of the sub microflow. You need to have the $latestError (System.Error) from the parent microflow as an input param for your sub microflow where you're handling the error.
But as stated before it is not recommend to have a show error message in a loop. I would rather create a log message or consolidate the error messages.