Emails with X MB of attatchments has a size of X+5 MB

Hi everyone, I am having problems with the size of the email messages. I include some attachments to these emails (which, for example, are in total 14MB size) but when I send the email the message appears 5MB larger in size (19MB total).   Why is there a difference of 5MB? The subject and body are very small (10 words for each one) and it dont looks like that words use 5MB. Also when i send a manual email (with my email account) to another email that size is the expected one, not 5MB larger.   I'm using Email Connector, no use of encryption and signing.   Thanks in advance, Carlos.
2 answers

Hi Carlos,


Attachments in e-mails are very inefficient, because email systems only support text data. The binary files are 'translated' into text data using Base64 encoding.

For every 3 bytes, 4 characters are required (you can play around on, so roughly 33% increase in size. Your example of 14MB follows that rule, as 14*1,33 = 18,6MB.

For more reading, see Wikipedia

I think this explains the size increase you encountered!




Hey, are there any images in footer in template? Or maybe template of email is having attachments configured to be send always. Is this happening with every template email?
