Homepage expects an object and cannot be used as an homepage

Hello experts, i'm using mendix version 10.9.0. I'm heaving an issue where i need to pass a parameter to a page that needs to be the home page. Now i'm heaving this erorr: And i uderstand the problem. I've decided to approach the second solution the IDE gave me, the "use a microflow to provide a page with an object" one, however, even if i do that it stills gives me this error. I don't understand if i'm doing something wrong or if i've misunderstood the solution. Here are some pictures: This is how the navbar for the home page is setted up:   And here's the microflow that the navbar calls:   And here are the settings of the "show page" action:   I hope you help me find the issue. Thanks!
4 answers

In the Navigation, you probably changed the Menu Item called "Homepage" to use the Microflow you made. However, the thing Studio Pro is actually complaining about, is slightly higher up in the Navigation: The (default) home page(s) for users logging in. There you also need to set the Microflow (or use the solution with a datasource microflow).


Hi Damiano, 


Can you delete the homepage and then start creating it first? 


There might be some cache issue. 


Definetely issue will be resolved


Hi Damiano,

You can try the following steps:

You can accomplish this by using a data view with a microflow data source in your homepage.

  1. On your homepage, you have a data view connected to the CamList entity. Change the data source of the data view from context to datasource.

  2. Use your navigation microflow to return the CamList object and use this as the data source for your data view. Remove the show page activity from your microflow.

  3. Then call your page without the microflow. Now your page does not expect an object because it will be returned via the datasource microflow.



As Lucas mentioned, check the default Home page of your application as shown below or else go with the datasource as microflow


