Missing Arguments

Good Afternoon,   On this page I have more than one project entity selected. It totals up the hours of the multiple projects. When I select edit and change the total hours for that single log, it is not updating the total hours when amended and saved, which I need it to. The selected projects objects entity is not in the microflow to open up the edit page which is then just on the one project, not the multiple that was selected on the page, if that makes sense.   When I have added to reset the page on the save button (when editing) it comes up with a number of missing argument errors which makes sense but I don't know how to fix so it refreshes the page and then updates the total hours for the selected projects.   Any guidance on what to do would be very appreciated?   Thanks   Jess  
3 answers

Hi Jessica,


Sounds like you are comitting the object correctly, however you are not refreshing it. The object shown on your page has not yet been refreshed with the committed data. Therefore if you refresh the entire page manually, it does update your details as intended. Quick solution for this is adding a refresh in one of your microflow actions. You can either do this on your commit:




Or add a change to this object without changing anything and only applying a refresh.



You need to pass the LIST of SelectedProjects and the FilterInputs "Parameters"  to the ACR_ProjectMultiple_Reset


Hi Jessica, 


Just to confirm your use case:


  1. You have a project_overview page with several records of projects, 
  2. When you edit one of the records you want to open a Project_Edit page where you can alter the details of that project record. 
  3. After you save your changes from you project_Edit page, you expect the Project_Overview page to get updated with the correct new total time. However this page is not updating correctly.
  4. When you manually refresh the page, the changes you made on the Project_Edit page will show on your Project_Overview page with the correct new time?


If this is the case, you do not need to re-open your Project_Overview page, rather close your Project_NewEdit page and make sure the object you have just committed on your Project_NewEdit page is refreshed correctly.


If the only thing you want to do is alter the project you have selected, and update the total hours spent on your project_overview page, I don't see why you should try to pass a list of projects and filtersOptions, but I might misunderstood your expected result.


Hope this helps!
