Build Parent child relationship based on entity

I have a domain model say Employee and it has self reference (1-*) to the employee object itself. Will be storing the employee, manager information in the same table. We have multiple manager hierarchy levels, say for example, Employee 1 reports to Manager 1, Manager 1 reports to Manager 2, and so on.. We need a way to represent for a given employee, provide the manager hierarchy. Example - Given employee 1, retrieve the managers - ie. Employee 1 --> Manager 1 --> Manager 2 --> Manager 3. Also we need to retrieve, given manager, retrieve all employees
2 answers

Hello Vijayakumar Thiruppathi,


Can you elaborate what is your questio, if your question if this is a possible set-up then i think the answer is yes but probably you need to write some annotations and documentation to explain the working.


Please feel free to specify your question in more detail !


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