Game selection app - need a page for user to filter down the datagrid

Hello,   I have a game selection app where I would like to be able to select a button and it randomly choose what game we should play.   All the games are in a datagrid and we have a button that randomly selects the game. Works lovely. Each game is categorised, like card, board game, dice game etc.    From the datagrid we would like to be able press a button so that the user is taken to a pop up page where the user can select which category for it then to randomly select the game based on the category chosen.   how would I go about doing that? I keep getting errors when I try opening a page. The domain model snippet is below. The datagrid page is also showing below.   Any advice would be appreciated.    
1 answers

Hi Jessica, What you could do is creating a non persistable (search) entity with a reference to the Category entity.

Pressing the button should create the search object and open a pop up page. Via a reference selector, you will be able to select a category. In this pop up page, you can add a button that has a similar logic as your Random selection, but you now include the selected category object in your query.


Hope this helps.
