unable to retrieve association data list when second run microflow
Hi Expert, My object is non-persistable A object and association another non-persistable B object. first running, I insert list data to B list, I can see the data in list in debug mode. When I run second, I retrieve list but it shows empty. Can someone tell me why I can't see the previous inserted list? First time, add return list to B object list, I can see the data When I call microflow again, the data didn't store in the association sorry, my fault, let me update my screenshots I add and commit list to 243 first time as below screenshot second time, I retrieve 243 but it doesn't include I store list
Andy Chang
1 answers
Hi andy,
value is indeed there for value item but if you see in both images the ID of search group object is different, in first one it is ending with 244 and in second one it is 243.
Therefore you are getting empty result as in second time search group is different and there is no data in its association.