autocomplete Multi select is not showed

I am in the process of creating a screen that allows multiple selection of data using autocomplete Multiselect.I have Microflow set as the Data source for this widget. However, when I run Runlocally, the screen does not show auto complete itself. I believe this is probably due to the Microflow settings. I have confirmed that there is no problem with authorization. So, I would like to ask two questions.   (1) Does autocomplete have a specification that it will be hidden if the data associated with it is not correct? (2) Is there any possible cause for autocomplete to be hidden in Microflow's settings?   Best regards
3 answers

Hi Yuki,

Please review your entity association. You may have a many-to-many association that's causing issues with the multi-select. Try to change it to a one-to-many association.


Hi Yuki,


Could it be that your Access Rules are not in place?  Please check Entity level also is any attribute roles missing here.


Thanks & Regards,

Manikandan K



AutocompleteForMendix is third party widget and have issues at certain cases. You can also try Mendix Searchable selector and combo select if you are working on mx 9 or 10. Its more reliable and has various options.

