How to retrieve CurrentSession in a microflow?

I have a Datagrid 2 that displays "Item" objects. On the same page I have a data view linked to a non-persistable entity "Counter", that represents a total amount of "Items" with specific attribute values. I need to update the "Counter" anytime when I change any "Item" and refresh it on the page. How can I do this?   I associated Counter with Current Session, hoping that I can retrieve Current Session and get Counter by association. But the question is - how can I retrieve CurrentSession in a microflow?   UPD: I ended up associating it to a current User. But I'm curious, is there a better solution?
1 answers



You can retrieve System.Session with either xpath:


[System.Session_User = $currentUser]


[id = $currentSession]


I would be careful associating anything to the session or current user as it can affect performance because associated data doesn't get garbage collected, avoid if possible or keep to minimum. 


