Attributes work on one page, but not on the same Page with a different name.

Hello, i got an issue where I got overview Page, and I wanna just show Event details, while my Event Works fine, all attributes of my Booking Entity usable...I cannot repeat that step... I got a second Object of Booking created, which is Maintenance - i can get all String Attributes without an issue, but no time and date - for no apparent reason. That totally doesn't make sense? Do i need extra time and date for my Maintenance? 
2 answers

Hi alxendar,

                 While commiting the object store the date and time attribute as (Current date /Time) in microflow.


or set the default method 

 dateAndTime attribute -> set current date and time as default value->once you commit the object it will store in database



Hi Alexander,

Go to your domain -> double click on it -> Open your dateAndTime attribute -> see below default value & select there current datetime-> then create new object & commit them -> Now check them again
