Email verification

Hi, I'm hoping someone may be able to help me. I'm very new to Mendix and I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere, but I can't see anything as specific as what I'm after. I'm writing a microflow that is attached to a save button that will verify that an email address has been added in one of my fields. I'm not looking for a specific email address from a list, just to check that something looks like an email address. I hope that makes sense! What I need the micro flow to do is recognise that the field ends a certain way ( for example) and other than the @ sign there, no special characters are to be used. I've very much ran out of ideas on this one so any help would be hugely appreciated! Thanks, Sean.
3 answers


You can use the match function with a regular expression.

e.g. isMatch($entity/attribute, 'regex expression') this will check if the field contains an email address when using the correct regex.

For email regex expressions have a look at



There are a number of ways to do this, many of them are covered here:

Comparing a string to a regex for validation in a microflow is discussed in this post:

Also, a recently published widget in the App Store called InputBoxOctober provides this capability (not sure why its named that, but I have used it with good results.  You can find this widget here:

Hope that helps,



This topic has been covered quite a few times on this forum. Personally, I favor Nikel's approach from this thread.
