Deeplink not working when deployed to cloud

I have a deeplink pointing to a Microflow that has access restricted to the User role in my app. If an Anonymous user hits this deeplink it will take them straight to the deeplink login page and they have to sign in before getting to where they were going. Locally this works absolutely fine: However when I deploy to the cloud I get the following message when I click the deeplink:   Can anyone tell me what I've missed when deploying to the cloud? *** UPDATE FOLLOWING ANSWER FROM @dexx *** I've checked the request handlers setup on the cloud node and it looks like a Starts-with for /link/ already exists:
2 answers

Did you put the AllowGuests attribute to yes in your deeplink configuration?


TL;DR: You need to add /link/ to your allowed request handlers in your project deployment tab. 

By default, the cloud portal blocks incoming traffic to anything but the base URL for security reasons. As the deep link module works by catching traffic to https://<yourURL>/link/<customLink>, this functionality is automatically disabled. 

You can customize your request handlers under Project home > Deploy > Production/Acceptance/Test details > Network > Request Handlers. Simply add a new handler with /link/ as the path and 'Starts with' as a match type and you should be good to go. 
