Deeplink redirecting to home page after login instead of going to target page

I have a deeplink microflow set up that loads a page. I have restricted access to the deeplink to the User role in my application to force anonymous users to log in first before they can view the content. The "Allow Guests" flag on the deeplink is set to true so when I click on the link as an anon user it takes me to the login.html page. So far so good. However when I complete the log in process the app is taking me back to the home page rather than taking the user straight to the target page that I want them to see. If I set the "Allow Guests" flag to false then the behaviour works as expected but if I deploy to the cloud with that flag set to false the deeplink doesn't work at all. What am I missing here?  
2 answers

When running in the Mendix Cloud or your own server, make sure that the link/ path is proxied to your server. Unless your node is a sandbox, you can do this yourself in the node details. Click your node and open details, scroll down, select network tab. There you can add /link/ as request handler. Don't forget to toggle it to make it active

 Allow guests should be set to false in order to let users signin  before accessing content.


This looks like the same problem as in this forum post:

I have got her project package so I will try to look into this tonight to see if there is a config problem or it this is a bug in the current module.




