Can I display the value of a variable in a page?

Is there a way to display the value of a variable on a page I have an app which allows appointments to be booked. If an appointment is requested and the number of appointments already booked exceeds a specified threshold then an administrator needs to confirm the new appointment. I have a microflow which creates an appointment object and also creates a variable which holds the computed value of the number of appointments already booked. If the value of the variable exceeds the threshold then I open a page asking the administrator to confirm the appointment, which has the options of 'confirm' or 'cancel'. This page should also display a message showing the number of appointments already booked, as held in the computed variable, which is available in the microflow when the 'show page' activity is called. I don't think Mendix provides a way of displaying the value of the variable on the page, but I just want to confirm if that is the case. Thanks
2 answers

No it seems that this is not possible. alternately, you could create a temporary (non-persistant?) object which you could link to your appointment. Then you can show the value trough retreiving the associated object on your page.


You do not have to tie that non persistant object to anything. Create in the microflow that non persistent object with the correct value and pass that object to the form showing it. You do not have to bother with cleaning because it is non persistent and you always just create a new one when opening the page.



