Help needed on generic error / debugging in Mx7

Morning, I have recently upgraded a rather old (Mendix 5) project into Mendix 7.  I went to Mendix 6 first, and all seemed to work correctly. However, in Mendix 7, I've done all the things I've read I should do, update all widgets, update all system modules. After I run a Microflow to change the contents of a snippet on a page (basically, show the next entity in a series), the Microflow completes, and I get the rather generic error: "An error occurred, please contact your system administrator" I've switched all log levels to debug, and the last thing I'm seeing is a JSON call with a 200 result (OK), but I'm still getting the error. I'm giving all users as much permission as possible, to pages, entities, Microflows, but I need some more information from the environment as to where I should look. If anyone could give me some hints on where to look when we get that error, it would be much appreciated - as I have had the error a number of times in a number of projects, and there never seems to be a definitive way of tracking down what's throwing it. Many thanks, in advance, Tarique Edit: Results from Chrome dev tools: looks like a style issue?  Bold/Underlined part is where the generic error comes up   Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined     at jquery.oembed.js?636234387702281805:962 (anonymous) @ jquery.oembed.js?636234387702281805:962 ckeditor.js?636234387702281805:3 CKEDITOR SCRIPT LOADING. mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 DEPRECATED: mendix.lang.nullExec. Use plain javascript if instead -- will be removed in version: 9.0 i @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 window.mendix.lang.nullExec @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 _updateRendering @ ProgressBar.js?636234387702281805:137 postCreate @ ProgressBar.js?636234387702281805:77 create @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 postscript @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:7 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 i @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 r @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 parseContent @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 _parseWidgetNode @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 _parseNode @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 parse @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 startup @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 i @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 r @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:11 parseContent @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 _parseWidgetNode @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 e @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 _parseNode @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 _show @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 forEach @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 update @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 _applyConditions @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 refresh @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 callback @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 k @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:25 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 2mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 DEPRECATED: mendix.lang.nullExec. Use plain javascript if instead -- will be removed in version: 9.0 i @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 window.mendix.lang.nullExec @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 _updateRendering @ ProgressBar.js?636234387702281805:137 update @ ProgressBar.js?636234387702281805:86 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 getObjectFromContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:25 applyContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.collect @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.applyContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 passContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:27 update @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:27 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 getObjectFromContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:25 applyContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.collect @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.applyContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 passContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 r @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.collect @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.applyContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 passContext @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 _loadNewWidgets @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 r @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.collect @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 t.exports.ready @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 update @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:26 _applyConditions @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 refresh @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 n @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:15 i @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:17 i._performFetch @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:30 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:30 mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 Error: Cannot read property 'style' of null (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 error @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9 onError @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:25 advice @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:6 a @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:6 error @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:27 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:5 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:27 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:27 j @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:25 (anonymous) @ mxui.js?636234387702281805:9
1 answers

Did you try to enable your developer tools in your browser (Chrome of Firefox have good developer tools out of the box).?

Because their you can see the errors and what is causing them. Edit your post with that result.




Seems that the CKEditor is the problem. Did you install the latest version? If not raise an issue on github.
