How to run SQL queries and output results

so im building an app to manage automated scheduled alerts and reports based on data stored in our HR system. we currently have a tool provided by the supplier but it's fairly clunky and limited which is why I'm designing something better. We currently write an SQL query which I would like to do in the new solution. When the end user is creating a new alert in the app they will need to store the SQL which will be run at the scheduled time, does anyone know how I can achieve this? open to suggestions of trying a different approach, I've connected the app up to our database to pull table details through so perhaps I could build a more visual approach to report building? The results will need to be emailed as an excel via when the schedule runs.
2 answers

You could either go on the OQL path or use a Java action to pass an XPath query. I did do the last path. I have created a form where the user could enter the parameters and I passed those to the Java action. I know that Appronto also has a module like that:

And Herman Geldenhuys is working on a widget that does this. That one lookes awesome but is not yet in the appstore.





If you need to run SQL on an external database you can use the Database Connector from the Appstore

Here are some examples that illustrate how to run OQL or XPath using the connector kit and java actions:
