String to file download on premise

Hi, My goal is to create a CSV file with the StringToFile java action and then download it with the common MX activity. When I do this locally there is no problem, CSV (with custom name: 'Detailed_invoice_' + formatDateTime([%CurrentDateTime%],'yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS') +'.csv') is downloaded and I can open it. When I deploy this on premise at the customer I get the following message: The file '' could not be found.-------- com.mendix.webui.WebUIException: File id or guid parameter should not be null     at com.mendix.webui.requesthandling.FileRequestHandler.retrieveFileDocument(FileRequestHandler.scala:210). So I do create it with a name and dont know where this message is coming from. Does anyone have any ideas where this is coming from?
3 answers

My guess (although I can't releate this to your posted stacktrace (which is awfully short by the way)), is that this is a rights issue, where the Mendix runtime doesn't have the proper access to whatever folder this file is created in.

The good news is that's it's easy to debug an on premise, the JVM parameters to use for this can be found somewhere on this forum.


If it's a rights-issue however, I would expect you to also see errors when uploading the file...


It was a setting in IIS: the checkbox for Append Query string
