Feedback message with yes or no options?

Is there way to make a message pop up asking yes or no, for example, when deleting an item? I have a microflow that creates and object based on an imported object. At the end, it deletes the imported object and retains the new one only. But I want to leave it as a choice for the user instead of having the microflow do that directly.   Here's a crude image of what I'm attempting:
5 answers

You can add a exclusive split in your microflow which splits based on a boolean (PopUpShown). By default you can follow the false path, which shows a pop-up page. On this page you click the Yes or No button and execute the same microflow from there again, only switching the PopUpShown to true so you can progress to the rest of the flow. From here you can execute different logic based on the selection the user made in the pop-up.


Hi Jim,


  It's not the most elegant solution, but what if you split it into three separate microflows?  The first one would end with with the 'show page' action. Pass the 'Pakket' object to the page, then on the page, have a 'Yes' and a 'No' button.  One of them will delete the old item and one will keep it. 


Submit this as an Idea on the Idea forum, you have my vote! :)


I am not sure if it is the best way but it is the easiest.
In case you have a delete button and you want to show a message (let's say a confirmation message), you can do that from button's settings. In my case, i call a Microflow on click event.
Then you need to select microflow settings and  in the "Ask confirmation" radio button , you need to select yes 



I'll do it differently. Instead of having a pop up with a yes/no options, I'll just have a delete all button that checked the Delete boolean for that entity. Having the microflow wait on userinput is not possible either apparently so calling a popup during the original microflow won't make it wait.


Additionally, I can't set a global boolean to call throughout the application which would have made short work of this situation.
