Forgot password error

Hi guys, I have problem with forgot password module.I've used loggin widget with forgot password link which calls micfroflow from the forgot password module.After I solve some tehnical problems that I have, I created local user , and gave them email, after that I log out, and click on the forgot password link which redirect me to the page where I shoud enter email. I've entered email and got confirmation message(We have sent you a confirmation email) and when I've open that mail, I got some activation link.When I click on that link I've been redirected to the login page ? It means that microflow (Step3_DL_SetNewPassword) has not been called. Can you help me ?  Best regards, Aleksandar
4 answers

Are you sure you configured the module (presuming you used the Forget Password) correctly? It seems to me the deeplink cannot be opened due to missing privilege which is why the login page is being shown.


Possibly you need to allow Anonymous Users in your project's Security Settings.


This problems are hard to debug because mistakes can be made on multiple levels. To debug set a breakpoint on the microflow that is triggered by the deeplink. If this breakpoint is not triggered and you are redirected to the login then the problem is security and you should check why the anonymous user is not allowed to trigger the microflow.

If the breakpoint is triggered you can further debug as normal.





Make sure you call MF "Nav_GuestHomePage" to open home page from navigation. 
