Dataview pass input to Datasource which is a Microflow

I have a DataView whose Datasource is a Microflow. I have to pass session variables as an input to this microflow so that it returns the response. How can this be  achieved ?
4 answers

Hi Vinod,

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but from each microflow you have access to the current user session via the variable


Hope this helps,



Hi Andrej, This is not exactly what I'm looking for. I have a dataview on a page whose datasource is a microflow. This Microflow accepts arguments. Currently when I check the microflow settings in the dataview, it shows 'No applicable value available'. Please advise on how can I pass arguments ?


Hi Vinod,

Perhaps you could describe your desired result a bit more, so we can understand what you want to achieve more precisely.

In a microflow serving as a datasource for a dataview, you can have input variables: objects that are present on the page of the dataview, and 'surround' your dataview (2 layers maximum). You can read up on this in the reference guide:

As Andrej pointed out, several system variables are always available in your microflow (currentSession, currentUser), and of course you can retrieve and use (and return) anything you want using retrieve action(s).


1.Change the input object of your microflow in the domainModel to have one more attribute- your variable name for example and make it a string for example.
2. Catch some event on the dataview which you want from Javascript, get the object from the dataview,

set  your session variable or whatever is your variable's value as this object's attribute value and pass it to the microflow using javascript.
