Grid refresh after Excel import

I have a grid showing the lines that are imported from an Excel document. With an Action button on this page I perform the Excel import. In order to show the newly imported lines I call a 'Show page' from the microflow. When I want to close the grid page I will have to click the 'Close page' button twice. How can I make sure I don't have to click the 'Close page' button twice? Can I refresh the grid without having to call de 'Show page' from the microflow?
4 answers

Hi Carlo,

There is also a setting on the datagrid called "Refresh time in seconds". If you double click the datagrid and open the properties, it will be the first setting. 


Hi Carlo,

  Instead of opening to a new page, can you simply commit with refresh the list of entities you are displaying on the current page?  That should update the page you are on and show the new information.  It is possible I am misinterpreting the situation, so could you possibly post a screenshot of the page and the microflow if the commit with refresh doesn't work for you?


Carlo, credit where credit is due. Time to upvote Austin's answer and Tick the checkbox 'Correct answer' next to his answer so he gets credit and we can see in the question overview that this question is tackled.


I expected there would be a setting like this, but I kept overlooking it...
