ChartJS - Pie Chart, segments not appearing

Hi community,  I am looking to create a pie chart using the ChartJS widget. The problem I am having is that the segments are not displaying. I used a retrieve action to fill in the values of the segments. For some reason, the stored values are not being retrieved. Would anybody be able to help me resolve this issue? Here is my microflow for the chart: Updated microflow following Marc's suggestions: Many thanks Austin  
3 answers

A couple of things:

- when you create your dataset you should always "add" for the association to the chart. I realize you do that in your second step so this should work, but you want to make it a habit to always "add" not "set"

- each time you change the chart you are also refreshing, I can only imagine this is creating almost an infinite loop. Remove the refreshes

- you should always check for empty and make sure you set values to zero if empty


I have ChartJS working with Pie chart. It looks like you are not creating the point series.


Snapshot of my domain model and Microflow... Let me know if you'd like me to share a model



Austin, My Model Share is giving an error. I have created a sample project and sharing with a public link. This link will expire in 24 hours.


Good Luck!
