Performance issue

Here I have some screenshots of a Microflow. MF is include a loop and a nested loop. This MF works well and has no error. The Only problem is performance issue. Execution time escalates till more than 2 minutes. In my idea using of ‘Intersect' list operation and ‘sort’ of this list can be eventually a solution for this performance issue. But no idea how to implement that for this two loops. Any idea or better solution will be appreciated. In link below you can find the screenshots:!KcZzUZiD!EmMq-sKhb4pDnp7Re6fQsQ   Thanks, Shahab  
1 answers

What is the difference between the first activity list and the second?

Why do you need the 2 retrieves of activity lists?

Have you added logging to see what part of the microflow is slow?

Can you tell me how many records you're iterating over?

