BUG: Custom Microflow to save an entity with Generalization of System.Image is always completed even if an error occurs in the Microflow.

We have observed a strange behavior in a microflow to save an Entity. A Microflow to save an entity with Generalization of System.Image is always completed (storing successful) even if an intentional error occurs before commit or anything in the Microflow.  Namely, just calling such a microflow always stores the entity. This issue does not happen without Generalization of System.Image. Mendix 7.9 and 7.12 have this bug.
2 answers

Are you sure this happens when you call the microflow? The behavior I have observed is that System.FileDocuments are committed when you upload a file, e.g. through the user interface. I believe this is necessary for Mendix to be able to access the contents of the FileDocument in a microflow. Therefore, I would not label this as a bug before some more verification.


I recognise the problem. However it is still possible to rollback the FileDocument object at the first microflow call after the upload.

The real problem is that when a FileDocument has an outgoing relation to another object (or an one-to-one or many-to-many relation) the referred object is autocommitted. Autocommitted object lead to a lot of problems, including out-of-memory errors because they cannot be garbage-collected.

The solution to this is not to use any outgoing relations to another object (or an one-to-one or many-to-many relation) from a FileDocument specialization. In most situations you can add an extra relation-object to simulate a many-to-many relation.
