Webservice Override Location

I am consuming a webservice and based on selection I need to change the location. EX: I have an application deployed in 3 servers and I need to update the Logging Level for given Log Category. http://prdwas01:9081/ http://prdwas02:9082/ http://prdwas03:9081/ User has option to select server name in Medix application. if user is selects prdwas01 server then at run time I need to generate the URL with port number and invoke the webservice. Can anyone provide an example on how to implement this feature?  
2 answers

I would start by either using a parameter to pass in the users selection or retrieve it from the database by using a retrieve activity. Once you have the selected option you would be able to pass this to the location as Dirk as previously mentioned. 


I would suggest that you set up a lookup for this that would allow you to configure the environment and associated location. This will make your solution more flexible. Your microflow could look something like this:


I would suggest creating the endpoint in a string variable in the microflow leading up to the webservice call.

Then you can simply input that variable in the service call.
