Dependent Queue entries

Hi Community, Is there a way I can create dependent Queue entries in Process Queue Module? I have following use case: Create an Person Object and fill it with the data like Last Name and First Name. Person ID is a required field but it can only be obtained through Interface. Create second Person Object and fill it with the data fill it with the data like Last Name and First Name. Person ID is a required field but it can only be obtained through Interface. Second Person is in a relationship with first Person. I have to send first Person to Interface to get Person ID using Process Queue but it will fail as second Person is missing Person ID.   How can I create the relevant entries in the Process Queue Module so that both Person Object get IDs?
2 answers

I suggest using one queued action, as long as there are not too many persons. If you know the correct sort order, you can perform all interface actions within this single queue action and don't need to take care of the correct FIFO order.

The queue should perform all actions in FIFO order, but I have seen that you can't always count on that (Could be that it is fixed in the meantime). To be sure, you could add a numbering to your queue objects and do a lookup as first action that checks if there are unexecuted actions with a lower number. If so, add the same question at the end of the queue. If not, perform the action.

That's not nice but might be a dirty workaround.


Thanks for the suggestion.

I was not sure about FIFO order and instead I created delayed send to interface. Entry is only delayed when the person B does not have ID.

Scheduled event picks up the entries marked for delayed transfer and do the sending again.
