Make a Rest Call (POST) and call the microflow in a page

Hi Team, Please correct me if any of my steps are wrong. I'm making a rest call (POST) to get a particular information from the API response. The following are the steps I made to accomplish. Step 1: Created entity (Leisure_Rating_Input_Details) to give inputs to the the  REST call (POST). Step 2: Created a microflow to call the REST service with parameters(PremiumInformation and  Leisure_Rating_Input_Details ) and returned the required information from the output response(PremiumInformation). Step 3: Created a new page and in a data view I populated the entity I created(Leisure_Rating_Input_Details). Then in the "save" button for the onclick action I called the microflow I created. This is the error I get:          Parameters of the selected microflow do not match available arguments. Available argument is Rating.Leisure_Rating_Input_Details, while the microflow has parameters of type Rating.Leisure_Rating_Input_Details and Rating.PremiumInformation.  
2 answers

Hi Sushmitha,

That error means that you have microflow button on your page that accepts a parameter that is not available. I would check all your microflow buttons on the page and make sure that the parameter matches the same type as the dataview that its in.



Hi Sushmitha,

From your description what I understand is that you REST call takes in request params built with values from your "Leisure_Rating_Input_Details" entity object and returns an object  of  "PremiumInformation" entity type.

So if your REST call Microflow is binded to the SAVE button that's inside the DataView of "Leisure_Rating_Input_Details" then you would have to open your Microflow delete one of the input parameters (yellow elements :)) that's of type "PremiumInformation"

This should resolve the error. If this doesn't, then EDIT the original post with the screen shot of your Microflow.
